Monthly Archives: July 2014

How Can I Cash In On My White Privilege?

Chaim Amalek: “Sell your sperm to dusky women who harbor the desire for whiter children. Charge $50 a pop. This would seemingly combine two of your favorite things: The goy’s desire to get off, and the Jew’s desire for gelt.”

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Why Are Young Americans Less Patriotic?

As a smaller proportion of young Americans are white, there is proportionately less patriotism aka national loyalty. Members of tribes have a different relationship to the United States and to other nation states (unless the nation state is also their … Continue reading

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Is Sportsmanship An AngloThing?

I’m disgusted at all the flopping about in the World Cup, not just among South Americans but also among Europeans such as the Dutch. The Americans and the British flop a lot less because they have these quaint Anglo-Saxon ideals … Continue reading

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Should Schools Eject Disruptive Students?

Black educator Andre M. Perry writes in the Washington Post: The achievement gap for black children is not a sufficient reason to push underperformers out. (It’s no better, and no less preposterous, than another path to close the gap: stop … Continue reading

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How Do We Preserve Western Civilization?

Rabbi Mayer Schiller wrote in 1995: If current trends continue, some time in the middle of the next century the majority of this nation’s inhabitants will be nonwhites. As has been shown repeatedly in the pages of American Renaissance, the … Continue reading

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