Monthly Archives: July 2014

Another Outburst From The Outrage Industry

I had a friend drop me as a Facebook friend because I used the expression “Chinaman.” There’s nothing wrong with the term “Chinaman.” It’s the same as Australian man or Jewish man or black man or Englishman. There’s also nothing … Continue reading

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The Only Father In The Lockerroom

I’m watching this “A Football Life” documentary on running back Marcus Allen and near the end, Marcus’s dad says: “I still can’t figure this out. For 11 years he played for the Raiders, I was the only father in that … Continue reading

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Roger’s Version

The protagonist in this John Updike novel, Roger, a divinity professor, wants to bed Verna, the single-mother daughter of his half-sister. Roger convinces her to get an abortion. Adam Begley writes in his biography of John Updike: In the dingy … Continue reading

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I Wailed As A Baby

When I ask people who knew me as an infant what my personality was like, they mention how easily and loudly I would cry. I think that growing up in foster care, I had to wail sometimes to get attention … Continue reading

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Does Attachment Theory Matter?

The blogger Jayman wrote: “The transmission of misery or bliss in a family is entirely due to shared genes, just like most everything else.” Rex responds: “But what about religion? Most people take their religion from their parents. Is it … Continue reading

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