Monthly Archives: May 2014

Los Angeles Jewish Leaders Condemn Donald Sterling

The more religious the Jew, the less he cares about Donald Sterling’s putative racism. The more religious the Jew, the less he cares about what people say privately. The more religious the Jew, the less he cares about the goyim … Continue reading

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Free Markets Make Irrational Racism Expensive

Steve Sailer wrote about Jackie Robinson and company: That competitive markets make irrational bigotry expensive — not impossible, but costly — was first formally demonstrated in 1957 by University of Chicago economist Gary Becker (the 1992 Nobel Laureate), and in … Continue reading

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Why Do So Many People Want To Lighten Their Complexions?

I thought black was beautiful? Or is that one of the things you have to say out loud because you fear the opposite is widely held to be true, like gay pride? Here is Sammy Sosa, before and after skin-lightening … Continue reading

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Acts Of Love

A month ago, Jeb Bush sympathized out loud with illegal aliens. He said April 6: “Yes, they broke the law, but it’s not a felony. It’s an act of love. It’s an act of commitment to your family.” Love is … Continue reading

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Conspiracy Theories

* I can hear my Uncle Val telling me from beyond the grave — “Keep your bowels open and your mouth shut!” He was a communist. The Fords are genetically attracted to marginal unpopular conspiracy theories because they prove to … Continue reading

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