Monthly Archives: May 2014

Israeli Spying On America

A few weeks ago, I pointed out that tribes often don’t have the same relationship to the nation state (in America, Canada, England, Australia, etc) as the majority population. They may well be less loyal — depending on circumstances — … Continue reading

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Jewish Radical Calls For White Genocide

The goyim don’t like it when Jews come along and call for their genocide. Just imagine the hoopla if a goy professor called for genocide against the Jews! Few Jews are radicals but many radicals are Jews (Ernest van den … Continue reading

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How Do I Become A Good Uncle?

I’ll be in Australia May 27 to June 13 and I’ll hope to see my nieces for the first time in 14 years. How do I become a good uncle? I fear I’ve been lacking in this department. My friends … Continue reading

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Will The Blood Libel Come To Life?

The New York Times reports: Two teams of scientists published studies on Sunday showing that blood from young mice reverses aging in old mice, rejuvenating their muscles and brains. As ghoulish as the research may sound, experts said that it … Continue reading

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Another Gay Jew Challenges The Goyim

I can’t imagine an Orthodox Jew doing this. Chaim Amalek: “The rabbenim need to hire some unemployed Cossacks to go after these transgressive one with a horsewhip and drive them back into the Torah Corral where they can do no … Continue reading

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