Monthly Archives: May 2014

I’ve Been Using Food To Combat Anxiety

So on Sunday afternoon, I spent over an hour trying to figure out how I would get to and from the airport for my trip to Australia May 25 – June 13. I used to be fine spending $30 on … Continue reading

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Donald Sterling: ‘I’m Not Racist, I’m A Jew!’

Donald Sterling is not the first one to use this defense. Such Jews define chutzpah. Yes, it is common for Jews to believe that they cannot be racist because they do not belong to the oppressive white power structure. Jews … Continue reading

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America’s Insane Debates

From 1. A woman has the absolute right to kill her baby until the moment it exits her uterus. She can also dismember it and torture it by burning it with saline fluid, plucking off its limbs, crushing its … Continue reading

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Jews & Racism

The principle underlying the Anti-Defamation League and the Museum of Tolerance and Jewish efforts to promote civil rights is that Jews are safer in a nation where racism and bigotry are not acceptable. Down deep, all of us have a … Continue reading

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Assignment Questioning Holocaust Resolved by Rialto Unified School District

On his radio show today, Dennis Prager called this assignment “scary” and the solution (required sensitivity training) “frightening.” Dennis noted that the principal (Mohammad Z. Islam) is Muslim and that Holocaust denial is rampant in the Muslim world. Dennis: “The … Continue reading

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