Monthly Archives: May 2014

Why Do Haredi Leaders Insist The Earth Is Only 6,000 Years Old?

Have they studied the evidence? Do they care about scientific truth? No. They want to maintain a way of life and they see modern findings that contradict tradition as a threat. Truth has nothing to do with it. Do the … Continue reading

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What’s My Strategy?

Over the past 17 years, people who were smart and who did not like my blogging, would try to figure out what I was doing. What was my strategy? Was I in it for the money or for the girls? … Continue reading

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Jewish Eugenics

Steve Sailer writes: John Glad, retired director of the Kennan Institute for Advanced Russian Studies at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars, wrote an important book in 2011, Jewish Eugenics, documenting the Jewish love-hate relationship with eugenics. The most … Continue reading

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Psycho-Therapy Via The Web

I suspect that sessions via the web are almost as good (say 80%?) as in person meetings for psycho-therapy, Alexander Technique, music instruction, etc for most people.

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Why Is There An ADL And A SPLC?

Why is there an Anti-Defamation League and a Southern Poverty Law Center? Aren’t they duplicating tasks? They’re a tag team. If you violate left-wing norms and say anything critical about Jews (who are as deserving of criticism as any group), … Continue reading

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