Daily Archives: April 29, 2014

Should The Goyim Organize In Their Group Interest?

It seems to me that the most famous example in history of the goyim (whites) organizing in their self-interest was Nazi Germany and that did not go well. Most people feel an inherent sense of horror and revulsion at the … Continue reading

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Is It Unseemly To Elbow For Credit?

Saul Austerlitz writes for Tablet magazine: …The Wallenberg dispute was merely a warmup for the conflict between the director and Hier over credit for Genocide. Hier called Schwartzman and told him that the board had suggested he receive a cowriter’s … Continue reading

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Rabbi Marvin Hier’s Legacy

Saul Austerlitz writes for Tablet magazine: Hier’s remarkable success is, in fact, the primary cause of his detractors’ dissatisfaction. “He’s like a high-rent, ethical version of Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton,” said Luke Ford, a Los Angeles blogger who covers … Continue reading

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Would Israel Allow A Non-Jew To Command Its Nuclear Arsenal?

No way! So why is the United States allowing a Jew (Jack Weinstein) to command its nuclear arsenal? Do the goyim have any reason to be upset? You can find a string of anti-Jewish websites online lamenting this news. I … Continue reading

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Yori Yanover Launches The Jewish Independent

A few weeks ago, online editor Yori Yanover was fired by The Jewish Press. I talk to him Monday night. The Forward reported: A Brooklyn-based Jewish newspaper apologized for a column that was sharply critical of the haredi Orthodox community … Continue reading

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