Monthly Archives: April 2014

Jared Taylor & The Jews

From American Thinker: On “the Jewish question,” Taylor seems to walk a tightrope. On the one hand, he has written, “People who are constantly talking about and complaining about Jewish influence remind me of blacks who think that everything that’s … Continue reading

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Mea Culpa

I screwed up at work, sending out a business letter saying that the client “was eating her friend.” I forgot the word “with.” Can’t believe how many friends I’ve retained through my bouts of manic in your face postings. A … Continue reading

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The Perils of Diversity: Immigration and Human Nature by Byron M. Roth

Steve Sailer writes: I’ve written about immigration roughly every couple of weeks for eleven years now. So I’m constantly confronted by the fear that, after a half million or so words, there can’t possibly be anything left to say. But … Continue reading

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Is White Nationalism Kosher?

I asked a Jewish friend for his views and he replied: The term “nationalism” doesn’t ring right for me. I don’t know what term would work better for me. John Derbyshire’s disposition is in the ballpark of my own, and … Continue reading

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How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity

Apr. 22, 2014, Dennis Prager asked professor Rodney Stark, author of the book How the West Won: The Neglected Story of the Triumph of Modernity: “The Romans at least had a literature. I’m asking about those African, South American, and … Continue reading

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