Monthly Archives: April 2014

Steve Sailer: Sterling v. Nehoray: Battle of the lowlife lawyers

Why is this story getting so much media attention? Because it is compelling. It is great human drama and it exemplifies a way of thinking that half of society regards as evil — racism. Steve Sailer points out how the … Continue reading

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From the website: As part of Professor Jennifer Thompson’s American Jewish Experience, Introduction to Judaism, and Jewish Ethics and Society courses at CSUN, students conducted research on Jewish sites in the San Fernando and Conejo Valleys. The student projects involved … Continue reading

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Count Me As Non-Offended

I notice Jews getting up in arms about John Kerry’s statements on Holocaust Memorial Day. I don’t see why the non-Jewish majority, even John Kerry, need to modify their behavior to accommodate any Jewish holiday or observance, including Holocaust Memorial … Continue reading

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Donald Sterling’s Private Comments To His Mistress

Steve Sailer writes: Sterling’s aged male ego was crushed by comments from other men, such as the Second Dennis, about how, when he’s not around, his girlfriend is sure seen a lot by herself in the company of famous studs … Continue reading

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If I Found A Good Job, I Wouldn’t Mind Moving Back To Australia

I’ll be visiting Brisbane, QLD, from May 27 to June 13.

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