Monthly Archives: February 2014

Lord Jonathan Sacks

Beth Jacob of Beverly Hills posts: “Please join us as we welcome Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks this Shabbat, February 22. Rabbi Sacks will give the Shabbat morning drasha in Shapell Sanctuary, with davening led by the Shabbaton choir.” It seems … Continue reading

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In what lawful fields of endeavor (artistic and commercial) are you least likely to find Jews at the highest levels?

Manual labor? Agriculture (outside of Israel)? Coal mining? Building skyscrapers? I don’t picture Jews hanging off skyscrapers or cleaning windows 80 stories up. Garbage men? Truckers? Factory and assembly line workers? Gardeners? Astronauts? Police, fire, and armed forces? Cowboys? Security … Continue reading

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I Just Shaved My Head

The Israeli barber was rude, saying he was booked all day. If I didn’t have an appointment, he couldn’t serve me. Nor could his co-worker. They were too busy for the likes of me. Two years I’ve been going there! … Continue reading

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Biblical Illiteracy

Most Christian clergy (including most with PhDs in Religion) are illiterate in the languages of the Bible (Hebrew for the Hebrew Bible, and Greek for the New Testament) while many rabbis (particularly Reform rabbis) have only a shaky grasp of … Continue reading

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My Google Page Speed Nightmare

On February 13, 2013, I got an invitation to try out Google Page Speed service. I did. I reconfigured my servers. I was excited to triple the speed for readers of my website. And then the thing just turned into … Continue reading

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