Monthly Archives: January 2014

Jews, Nazis And Race Realism

In this video published in 2013, an Englishman asks Jared Taylor: “You mentioned dual standards… You have a situation where America like our country [Britain] is dominated by a particular ethnic group… You say the Jews have their homeland and … Continue reading

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Simmering Racial Matters

I just turned to and read this: “The family of George J. Stinney Jr., who was put to death at 14 for the murder of two white girls, is seeking exoneration in South Carolina, a state where racial matters … Continue reading

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The Importance Of Brain Size

Larger brains correlate with higher IQs. Brains in whites start getting smaller after age 25, in Asians after 35. Asians have larger brains, higher IQs and wider hips than do whites who in turn have larger brains and wider hips … Continue reading

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The War Going Home

When I drive to work, I’m serene. The traffic rarely gets to me. I don’t use my horn much. I’m largely unruffled. I enjoy the show “Take Two” on KPCC. My commute takes about 20 minutes. My ride is smooth … Continue reading

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The Nature Of Shame

Here are some definitions of shame: A painful sensation excited by a consciousness of guilt or impropriety, or of having done something which injures reputation, or of the exposure of that which nature or modesty prompts us to conceal. Reproach … Continue reading

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