Monthly Archives: November 2013

LA Weekly: Latinos Get a Measly 1 in 25 Speaking Roles in Top Films

Jill Stewart of the LA Weekly writes on FB about this article: “There’s just no excuse for this. Hollywood studio heads, and TV executive producers in Los Angeles are as knuckle-dragging and backwards as the old hillbilly stereotype. But they … Continue reading

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Friday’s LAX Shooting

Why would LAX close down for more than six hours Friday after the shooter was taken into custody and thousands of people would have to sit in their planes for six hours and tens of thousands of people inconvenienced? A … Continue reading

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Broken-Hearted Over A Child He Never Met?

Fox sideline reporter Pam Oliver says today before the game that Adrian Peterson was “brokenhearted” over the death of his child three weeks ago. Brokenhearted over a kid he never met? Please. He was heartbroken for being outed for fathering … Continue reading

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Vicki Polin’s 1989 Oprah Appearance About Ritual Murder In The Jewish Community

I’m sure the powers that be will take down these videos quickly, but here you go for the moment, get ’em while they’re hot: Video 1 Video 2 Video 3 Vicki’s appearance begins 11 minutes into the second video and … Continue reading

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Bustin’ Down The Door

As a kid, I’d often make fun of other people and the less intelligent among them would respond by punching me. I always thought that was unfair. I only fought with words. So I’ve watched a couple of surfing documentaries … Continue reading

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