Monthly Archives: November 2013

12 Years A Slave

The real life protagonist of “12 Years A Slave” was likely a willing accomplice to a con of selling himself into slavery, expecting to escape and share the proceeds of his own sale, except his new master was a little … Continue reading

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Dr. Ruth Answers The Jewish Channel Viewers on Sex

The U.S. agenda for Israeli-Palestinian peace; Comic artist Art Spiegelman (Maus) gets a retrospective at The Jewish Museum; Dr. Ruth Westheimer vistis TJC’s “The Salon”; the editors of Kaddish: Women’s Voices share their experiences; and more.

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The Wrong Thing

* A Jew I know in Hawaii complains he can’t find a rabbi to marry him to a shiksa on October 4, 2014, which happens to be Yom Kippur. * It is no more a good idea to interact with … Continue reading

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On The Road Again

Something broke in my system in February of 1988 so that since then, when I exercise much past a mile or two daily, I quickly or slowly get a Chronic Fatigue Syndrome relapse that matches exactly the level of my … Continue reading

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Finding Your Place In Orthodox Judaism

D. emails: “I didn’t grow up religious, but I’m in love with the Orthodox lifestyle. I interpret the Torah more metaphorically than literally, but I want to participate regardless. Matters are complicated by my girlfriend being Chinese and agnostic. I … Continue reading

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