Monthly Archives: March 2013

Provoking People Means Hurting People

I’ve been working the 12 Steps hard. I’ve made lists of everybody, everything, and every idea that I resent and worked through the sheet, listing out the reasons I resent, how the person/place/idea negatively impacts my life, what role I … Continue reading

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My Favorite Manipulation Techniques

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Struggling With My Daddy Issues And Learning To Deal With Messy Emotions

Luke Ford comes to terms with his emotional addictions. He realizes that he’s a cripple. To heal, he’s working through in therapy his primary attachments, such as to his father. Luke struggles to accept his father’s love. Luke shudders at … Continue reading

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Reflections Upon My Opening Night Performance

I debuted my solo show “Eroticized Rage” February 3 at Whitefire Theater in Sherman Oaks (13500 Ventura Blvd) at 7pm as part of Solofest. Here are some my past writings and videos on my 12-step work for sex addiction. Here … Continue reading

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My Struggle In Orthodox Judaism

Luke Ford discovers he has Histrionic Personality Disorder aka Narcissistic Personality Disorder. He reflects on how this affected him as he tried to make his way in Orthodox Judaism in Pico-Robertson 90035, making himself a pariah in many of the … Continue reading

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