Daily Archives: April 4, 2011

What About Faith?

Rabbi Arnie Singer writes: As an Orthodox rabbi living and working on Manhattan’s Upper West Side, I’m thrilled to see so many single men and women actively involved in Torah and mitzvot. This is also the case in Queens, Brooklyn, … Continue reading

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Is Sarah Palin Presidential?

Jason Maoz writes: Sarah Palin sure makes it hard for those who care about Israel to dismiss her out of hand. On her brief visit to Israel last week she said the kinds of things one expects to hear from … Continue reading

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Should Jewish Outreach Rely On Liquor?

Gary Rosenblatt writes: One of the dirty little secrets of Jewish outreach efforts to young people — particularly to college students and those in their 20s — is the use of alcohol to entice them. The most recent case in … Continue reading

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Who Am I?

Here’s some stuff I wrote down for my writing workshop Sunday: The mask I put on is that I am a decent law-abiding citizen who treats other people as he wants to be treated. What I try to hide is … Continue reading

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What Do Americans Want From Muslims?


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