Monthly Archives: April 2011

Are There More Acceptable/Less Acceptable Topics For Writing?

I go through my life offending people. It’s a talent I inherited from my father. I wonder how I’d do with an MFA program in writing? I wonder how much there is an “This is acceptable, but that isn’t” mentality? … Continue reading

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Nation Of Islam Forms Ties With Scientology

Report: The choice of holding the Nation of Islam’s convention in the bay area underscores the organization’s growing relationship with the Church of Scientology, based in Clearwater. Connected by shared interests in improving literacy and ending drug abuse, the organizations … Continue reading

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Prager University: How the Vietnam War Was Won and Lost

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6 Figure Secrets of Divine Feminine Entrepreneurs

Can you imagine blokes walking around talking about the divine masculine? Let alone, the six figure secrets of divine masculine entrepreneurs? Geez, I know a bloke on the Essex Road who could fix that.

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Why Don’t Christians Help Christians?

Dennis Prager writes: In the Muslim world, Christians are being murdered, churches are being torched, entire ancient Christian communities — the Iraqi and Palestinian, for example — are disappearing. And, again, 2 billion Christians react with silence. There are some … Continue reading

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