Monthly Archives: September 2010

The Marxist Vs. The Witch

From H1: Witchcraft Prager H1: The media is all in a tizzy because Christine O’Donnell, Senate candidate for Delaware, told Bill Mahr 11 years ago that said she “dabbled in witchcraft.” Her opponent is still dabbling in Marxism (he’s … Continue reading

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Did Rabbi Avi Weiss Invent Women Saying Kaddish?

Kaddish is the memorial prayer traditionally said only by men. Left-wing Modern Orthodox shuls allow women to say kaddish, while right-wing Modern Orthodox shuls usually don’t allow women to say this prayer publicly. I’m listening to a Torah in Motion … Continue reading

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The Best Doctor In America

I’m listening to a 2009 lecture by Dennis Prager — “Why Have Our Universities Gone Wrong?” Dennis says: “Did you choose anyone in your life based on what college they went to?” “If somebody says to you, and this is … Continue reading

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God Is Not One II

I’ve joined the discussion at Spectrum magazine about Stephen Prothero’s new book on world religions: David, Stephen Prothero’s book is not prescriptive as much as descriptive. He says nothing about learning from other religions. I do not think “learning from … Continue reading

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Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History

Rabbi Marc B. Shapiro‘s book is due out in 2011. I can’t wait.

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