Daily Archives: January 3, 2008

The Looming John Edwards Love Child Scandal

From BigHeadDC: From Politico today: Recently Couric got attention with CBS’s “Primary Questions” series — especially since one segment focused on asking candidates the uncomfortable question about marital infidelity, which was linked prominently on the Drudge Report. Is it just … Continue reading

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Mitt Romney Is The Road To Nowhere

David Brooks writes: If Romney is the general election candidate, he will face hostility from independent voters, who value authenticity. He will face hostility from Hispanic voters, who detest his new immigration positions. He will face great hostility in the … Continue reading

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Dennis Prager Promotes ‘The Kite Runner’

On his show Jan. 2, Dennis said the movie "was almost a classic." "If we can not make this movie a financial success, the message to Hollywood is to keep putting out junk… Maybe people hear the word ‘Afghanistan’ and … Continue reading

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Tom Wolfe Has New Book, New Publisher

I don’t care who Wolfe’s publisher is. I just want to read his new novel. How could Charlotte Simmons be considered a commercial disappointment? It was a massive best-seller. I read it twice. Hillel Italie reports: NEW YORK (AP) – … Continue reading

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