Category Archives: Europe

Donald Trump’s Beautiful Wife Is From Slovenia

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Slovenia is about the perfect country. They have never started any wars, never had a major war fought within their borders. Never had sectarian or civil strife. Never been ruled by despots (Tito’s rule was … Continue reading

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Who Will Resist The Islamic Invasion Of Europe?

Comments to Steve Sailer: * European vanity dictates that they can do no other than to invite/welcome/exalt the invading hoard into their countries. But deep down, they hope that some disreputable agent–like the Serbs, who already have a tainted reputation … Continue reading

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Why do some Jews support increased Islamic immigration into the West?

This story illustrates why there is Holocaust denial. Intelligent Holocaust denial is not about what happened to Jews during WWII. It is about denying that because of what happened to Jews during WWII, we can’t ask questions such as, will … Continue reading

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Too Many Europeans Choose the Strong Horse

Anatoly Karlin writes: Often it is the extreme (nut)cases that best illustrate general social maladies. This story encapsulates most of the constituent elements of the decline and fall of European civilization. (1) The wild age differentials. You don’t have to … Continue reading

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Alpha Islam, Beta Christianity

From Chateau Heartiste: In the end, the hamster wins. The Ottoman hordes and Donald Trump have this in common: every girl loves a cocky sonofabitch. And that is why Western women are NEXTing their glorious heritage. They can sense that … Continue reading

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