Category Archives: Europe

Europe’s Immigration Disaster

Michael Sheuer writes: The leaders and bureaucrats of the European Union (EU) are fortunate that they have largely disarmed the citizens of EU member states. If the citizens of Europe had personal weapons, all officials at all levels of the … Continue reading

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Invasion By Immigration

William Lind writes: Were Russian tank divisions now pouring into Germany, it is safe to say Germany would be fighting back. As it happens, Germany and Europe are now suffering an invasion more dangerous than that would be. Yet all … Continue reading

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Europe’s Migrant Crisis

From Chronicles Magazine: RS: What is your take on the migrant crisis inside Europe, and what’s happening between Serbia and Croatia? ST: “Migrant crisis” is the right term. I wouldn’t use the term “refugees” because, strictly speaking, most of these … Continue reading

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NYT: European Union Ministers Approve Plan to Distribute Refugees

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Reflecting on the importance of language, we see in this piece another example why we always lose: It’s “right-wing politicians” vs. “humanitarians”. Gee, I wonder which side is the good guys? It’s just like in … Continue reading

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France Vs Germany

REPORT: “France is taking in as many refugees as we are in the district of Allgäu,” Horst Seehofer, the Christian Social Union (CSU) state premier of Bavaria, told the daily Passauer Neuen Presse. “That is selfish. When things get tough, … Continue reading

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