Category Archives: Europe

Right-Wing Grows In Europe

REPORT: The growing popularity of the far-right Sweden Democrats mirrors a backlash being felt across Europe as the continent reckons with a refugee crisis that has broken all modern records and shows no sign of abating. The impact can be … Continue reading

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Large Numbers Of WWII Black American Soldiers Were Executed In France For Bad Behavior

Comments to Steve Sailer: * Of the 96 American soldiers from WW2 buried in the dishonorable Plot E of the Oise-Aisne American Cemetery in France – a cemetery otherwise for WW1 soldiers – eighty are black. All of them were … Continue reading

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The West

What does it say about Western weakness that they allow emigres to take over their culture? Jews would never allow gentiles to control culture and media in the Jewish state. I found the documentary Hollywoodism painful to watch. For Orthodox … Continue reading

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Immigration or Invasion?

People don’t assimilate except in the most superficial of ways (language, etc). They behave according to their genetics. William Kilpatrick writes: Europe’s embrace of mass immigration can be explained in part by guilt from the Nazi era. It’s no coincidence … Continue reading

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Should Europe Take In Muslim Migrants?

Charles Bybelezer writes: In the prevailing climate of political correctness, policies are too often driven by emotional arguments rather than sober analysis, a reality currently playing out in the debate over the mass influx into Europe of migrants from the … Continue reading

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