Category Archives: UCLA

Madonna Ho MD

Wow! What is it like to go through life with the name Madonna Ho? She should have her own reality show. I bet thousands of American men would quickly develop their own Madonna-Ho MD complex.

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Hot Jewesses Join The White Right At UCLA

Comments to Steve Sailer: Looks like Jews already joined the white/right-wing (relatively speaking) party at UCLA. Here is the “UCLA United” slate: I see a couple hot Jewish girls, a cute Asian girl, the very cute Miss Roth, and normal … Continue reading

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My Experience With Affirmative Action At UCLA

When I went to UCLA in the late 1980s, the white and Asian students came in with A averages, while many of the black and latino students got into this elite university with GPAs below a B. The academic differences … Continue reading

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Something’s Wrong

My keenest pains are when I realize there’s something wrong with me, that I am way behind my peers (when people I know marry, have kids, get good jobs, etc). Growing up, I kept getting told I was far more … Continue reading

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My One And Only

I used to talk a big game when I lived at Rieber Hall at UCLA in 1988-89. I was on a special self-selected quiet floor for serious students. I was working on this explicit novel. I met a Chinese girl … Continue reading

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