Category Archives: Rape

German Feminists: Forget Rapist Migrants, They’re Already Marginalised

Breitbart: In the wake of the wave of organised sexual assaults perpetrated against German women on New Year’s Eve, many commentators have been patiently waiting for the feminist reaction to this grotesque display of male violence. Well, it seems to … Continue reading

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Comments to Steve Sailer: * What German police need to do is set up a Morals Police division like Saudi Arabia to stop woman from walking around unescorted and to make sure they wear appropriate Burka’s so they don’t lure … Continue reading

Posted in Germany, Immigration, Rape | Comments Off on #RapeRefugees

Rape Culture Around The World

Anatoly Karlin writes: In short, there are reasons why women in the Middle East, South Asia, and apparently (if to a smaller extent) in Central America are segregated and kept out of the workforce. The rare stupid foreign woman who … Continue reading

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Original Sin: the sexual motivation of religious extremists

Essay: In late October of 2014, Iraqi News reported, as ISIS forces rampaged through Diyala province, one of their soldiers found a thirty-year-old woman resting at her home and attempted to rape her. She fought back, wresting away his gun … Continue reading

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To Rape is to Want Sex, Not Power

Essay: In the 1975 bestselling book: Against Our Will, the feminist writer, Susan Brownmiller, asserted that “rape is about power, not sex.” Ever since, the conventional wisdom has been that rapists are misogynistic men seeking domination and power over women, … Continue reading

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