Category Archives: Internet

‘On the internet, can you become a celebrity for doing pretty much nothing at all.’

Link. As opposed to the real world which only rewards merit. I had a psychiatrist in Brisbane, Australia who told my family it was too bad that the internet allowed me to play out my dramas on a big stage. … Continue reading

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Chabad Online Since 1988

I first heard about the wonders of the online world in 1985 from talkshow Rush Limbaugh in Sacramento. But I didn’t send my first email until 1993, and didn’t buy my first real computer until July 1997 (an hour after … Continue reading

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Internet, Intermarriage And Pornography

Rabbi Gil Student provides the following links and discussion: R. Mordechai Willig in this week’s TorahWeb, invoking R. Eliyahu Dessler’s concept of nekudas ha-bechirah — a point of choice (link): Many rabbonim, including myself, have dealt with marriages threatened by … Continue reading

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Attacking Web 2.0

Andrew Keen blogs: Five excellent articles about the manifold hazards of citizen media have appeared in the last few days: Bobby Johnson’s shocking revelation that abusive online images of children have quadrupled over the last three years. Jonathan Freedland’s withering … Continue reading

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