Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Critiquing Open Orthodoxy

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Those who follow Jewish debates on the internet have probably heard of Rabbi Avrohom Gordimer, who has assumed the mantle of defender of the faith. He sees his goal as exposing the non-Orthodox nature of Open … Continue reading

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R. Yosef Mizrachi’s Remarks On The Holocaust

Marc B. Shapiro writes: Yosef Mizrachi is in the news. It began with his unbelievably ignorant comments about the Holocaust and soon moved into other outrageous things he said, both about the Holocaust and in general.[20] Years ago I found … Continue reading

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Orthodox Judaism & Human Dignity

From Marc Shapiro: R. Ahron Soloveichik wrote: “Every human being, regardless of religion, race, origin, or creed, is endowed with divine dignity. Consequently all people are to be treated with equal respect and dignity. Anyone who fails to apply a … Continue reading

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Book Review: Changing the Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History

Adam Ferziger writes: As such, from the outset of his prolific academic career Shapiro directed his energies toward exposing the underbelly of the picture that Schwab and his like-minded Orthodox compatriots sought to paint. He is by no means the … Continue reading

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Marc B. Shapiro Interview

Alan Brill writes: 11) How was it working for Professor Twersky as an advisor? As to how Twersky was as an advisor, I know that there are difficult stories from the decades before I was there, of students having to … Continue reading

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