Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

The Kosher Toilet

Dr. Marc Shapiro blogs: …Yated Neeman has never been interested in truth or intellectual honesty, but in pushing a religio-political agenda, and therefore not only do they refuse to print such corrections of their gedolim, but they have even published … Continue reading

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What Is Marc B. Shapiro’s Ideology?

He says he’s Modern Orthodox and he seems to me to be Modern Orthodox. And I guess that’s the answer to the question in my headline. I asked Marc about his ideology Saturday night and he essentially said he was … Continue reading

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Are Ethiopia’s Falashans Jews?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: …I was involved in the Ethiopian Jewry cause.[43] My first trip there, in 1987, was memorable, as we were the first group allowed into the villages of Gondar after Operation Moses. (It was also great to … Continue reading

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Ignorant In Yeshiva

Marc B. Shapiro writes: This phenomenon, of great scholars not being aware of things that most people reading the Seforim blog learned years ago, should not surprise us. The traditional yeshiva curriculum is very narrow, and you can spend your … Continue reading

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Got Any Gay Medieval Hebrew Poetry, Mate?

Marc B. Shapiro writes: I was asked if there are any medieval poems in which there is explicit homosexuality. I am unaware of any, and it is precisely because they are ambiguous that there has been controversy about their meanings. … Continue reading

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