Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Is It Better If Women Don’t Leave The House?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: For some, it is better if the women basically do not go out of the house at all at all. Such a position is held by R. Hayyim Rabbi, a mainstream Sephardic rabbi (who like … Continue reading

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Should Women Make Themselves Ugly Before They Go Outside?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: Ahoti Kalah, by R. Avraham Arbel… Arbel is a great talmid hakham.[20] His book carries haskamot from mainstream figures, including R. Ovadiah, R. Neuwirth, and R. Nebenzahl. In the book, he explains the importance of … Continue reading

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Will Women Getting Called To The Torah Cause Men To Lust?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: …I quoted a responsum of R. Joseph Messas.[11] In this teshuvah he also explains why women can’t be given aliyot. As is well known, in earlier days this was permitted but the Sages later forbid … Continue reading

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Should Jewish Women Cover Their Faces When They Go Outside?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: A long time ago I was asked to deal with the so-called Jewish Taliban women, who completely cover their faces when they go out. I know that everyone has downplayed their significance and referred to … Continue reading

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Should You Teach Your Son A Trade?

Historian Marc B. Shapiro writes: “Let’s begin with the common practice in the Israeli haredi world of ignoring what the Sages tell us in Kiddushin 29a and not teaching young men a trade so that instead they can devote themselves … Continue reading

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