Category Archives: Marc B. Shapiro

Jewish Honor Killings

Marc B. Shapiro writes: …we indeed have some examples in Jewish history of “honor killings”. For example, in 1311 a Jewish woman who married a Christian and became pregnant was killed by her brothers.[27] In 1557 an Italian Jew killed … Continue reading

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Professor Marc Shapiro – Have the Rabbis Always Been Honest With Their Readers?

To what extent have modern rabbis rewritten the Jewish past eliminating what does not fit in with their contemporary religious self-interpretations and world view? This wide-ranging and original review of how this policy is applied in practice adds a new … Continue reading

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Changing The Immutable: How Orthodox Judaism Rewrites Its History

This book by professor Marc B. Shapiro comes out in September: A consideration of how segments of Orthodox society rewrite the past by eliminating that which does not fit in with their contemporary world-view. This wide-ranging and original review of … Continue reading

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Bad For The Jews

Historian Marc B. Shapiro gets flak for revealing things about Jews and Judaism that are widely seen as negative. Marc defended himself here: “And believe me, there are plenty of “unsavory” things I have not printed here on the Seforim … Continue reading

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The Path Of The Righteous

From historian Marc B. Shapiro’s new blog post: “Maimonides famously spoke of the sense of touch as being a “disgrace to us.” The Gaon actually had the same opinion in that he regarded sex as something to be loathed and … Continue reading

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