Category Archives: England

British Contempt For The Jewish State

Larry Miller writes: Touted as the fresh face of British politics after his strong performances in televised debates with Labor leader Gordon Brown and Conservative David Cameron, the Cambridge-educated Clegg is also the face of an increasingly undiplomatic British disdain … Continue reading

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Yisroel Pensack: Britain’s Top Court Grapples with “Who Is A Jew?” and “Who Decides?”

The New York Times reports:  On the surface, the court was considering a straightforward challenge to the admissions policy of a Jewish high school in London. But the case, in which arguments concluded Oct. 30, has potential repercussions for thousands … Continue reading

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Britain Halts For The Death Of A Handicapped Child

Try to read this New York Times story without tearing up: LONDON — Ivan Cameron was just 6, a boy with a lovely smile who was born with cerebral palsy and a severe form of epilepsy that deprived him of … Continue reading

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A Reform Alternative To Aish HaTorah

From the Jewish Chronicle of London: The Reform movement is about to take the first step to launch an alternative to Aish, the Orthodox outreach organisation for young adults. A residential weekend next month will be the inaugural event by … Continue reading

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I Love The New British Film ‘Sixty Six’

Posted in Bar Mitzvah, England, Hollywood | Tagged | Comments Off on I Love The New British Film ‘Sixty Six’