Category Archives: England

British Jewish Leaders Unite Behind Subsidizing Illegal Immigration

There’s not a word in the following article about Israel. Apparently, it is fine with the Jewish elites of Britain for the Jewish state to act in its self-interest by not taking in Islamic migrants who hate it. Apparently, it … Continue reading

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Can A Small Group Dominate The World?

Steve Sailer writes: Academic historians dislike the concept that history is often made by groups of individuals plotting together in confidence, even though one obvious way to get big things done is to make plans with your friends and allies … Continue reading

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The Wit & Wisdom Of Winston Churchill

LINK: * ‘The unnatural and increasingly rapid growth of the feeble-minded and insane classes, coupled as it is with a steady restriction among the thrifty, energetic and superior stocks, constitutes a national and race danger which it is impossible to … Continue reading

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Do You Want To See A Muslim Groveling To Jews?

If so, read this Pakistani-Brit politician’s speech: Sajid Javid’s speech at the Union of Jewish Students’ Annual Conference 2014 Shalom Aleichem [Hebrew for “Peace be with you”]. Thank you for coming, and thank you for inviting me along today. It’s … Continue reading

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Japan vs. England – FIFA Women’s World Cup 2015 Highlights

While watching this game, I found myself rooting strongly for England. I guess because I feel a deep genetic, historical and cultural connection. The more similar I am to someone, the more I like them. I guess I’m a horrible … Continue reading

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