Category Archives: RCC

My Whole World Has Cracked And Come Tumbling Down

I’m been researching a court case (Case Number: BC255351 C CUBED SOLUTIONS INC VS MARC HABERMAN) that shows holy rabbis Avrohom Union and Gershon Bess engaging in fraud. In 2002, the Los Angeles Superior Court threw out their arbitration of … Continue reading

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Let’s Talk About The Right Of ‘Bameh Dantoni’

It’s in the Shulchan Aruch. It means that if you lose in a Beit Din (Jewish law court), you have the right to ask the judges to explain why they ruled as they did. When you take a case to … Continue reading

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What Is The West Coast Rabbinical Court?

I think it is for Sephardic Jews. It is run by Rabbi Gavriel Cohen whose claim to fame is his ability get divorces from men reluctant to give their wife a get (Jewish divorce) so she can remarry. I believe … Continue reading

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Does The RCC Elevate Or Denigrate Los Angeles?

In its present incarnation, the Rabbinical Council of California (RCC) dates back to circa 1985 when Rabbi Avrohom Union came to town. At that time, the saintly Rabbi Yehuda Bukspan ran kosher certification for many products and places. So let’s … Continue reading

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Let’s Compare The Los Angeles Beit Din With The RCC’s Conversion To Orthodox Judaism

The RCC conversion is universally accepted throughout the Jewish world, including Israel. Nobody will question your Jewish bonafides once you achieve it. The Los Angeles Beit Din is an easier route even though they reject nine out of ten applicants. … Continue reading

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