Category Archives: Torah

Torah Portion Noach IV

Full discussion here.

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Why Does God Blame ‘Robbery’ For Destroying The World In A Flood?

Full discussion here.

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Who Should Pay For Rape Kits?

Full discussion here. A minute in, Joey gets a call from his drug dealer.

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I Want To Talk Torah With Black People

I’ve had my live cam chat for eight months now and not one black person has stopped by. That must stop! The first hot black chick to stop by my live cam gets a free rape kit with all the … Continue reading

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Casey’s Imaginary Friend

Hyper-educated goy Casey blogs: One of my ten best friends (she wouldn’t have guessed she was in the top ten; but so it goes…) has been doing these ridiculously entertaining "Torah Talks" on a — how to describe it? — … Continue reading

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