Category Archives: Torah

Torah Portion Chayyei Sarah (Genesis 23 – 25:18)

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Live Torah Talk With Joey & Helen

Click here to join the fun. The Torah portion is Chayyei Sarah (Genesis 23 – 25:18). Rabbi Ari Kahn I emailed Joey Thursday morning that I was too sick to do Torah talk. Then at 4 pm, he calls to … Continue reading

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Filtering Torah Through Our Own Beliefs

Steven writes Seforim: "The second essay in Marc Shapiro’s new book is even more… mind-blowing. He shows how the Rambam systematically excluded from the Mishneh Torah almost all of the Talmudic halachot that were derived from premises which the Rambam … Continue reading

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The Search For The Modern Orthodox Chumash

Joe emails: Luke, You keep making a big deal about the lack of a Modern Orthodox Chumash [the five books of Moses with commentary]. Here’s the real story. First of all, a Chumash like that uncovers the widening divide between … Continue reading

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Luke Ford, Joey Kurtzman Discuss Torah Portion Vayeira (Genesis 18-22)

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