Category Archives: Torah

This Week’s Torah Talk

This week’s Torah portion is Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43). I discuss it with Rabbi Rabbs.

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This Week’s Torah Portion – Vayishlach

This week’s Torah portion is Vayishlach (Genesis 32:4-36:43). I discuss it with Rabbi Rabbs. Complete video. * Artscroll (AS): Jacob did not rely on his own righteousness, but strove to ensure his safety through practical measures. * Doing the right … Continue reading

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Parashat Vayetzei (Genesis 28:10-32:3)

This week’s Torah portion: “The parshah tells of Jacob’s travels to, life in, and return from Haran. The parshah recounts Jacob’s dream of a ladder to heaven, Jacob’s meeting of Rachel at the well, Jacob’s time working for Laban and … Continue reading

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Jacob & Esau: The Real Story

This week’s Torah portion is parashat Toledot (Genesis 25:19-28:9). Rabbi Hershel Rabbs Remer posts to FB: “TONIGHT’S SHOW IN A NUTSHELL: It will open with bad audio feed, no music, and the webcam focused on two empty chairs. Then, Rabbs … Continue reading

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The Torah Hour Of Power

This week’s Torah portion is Vayeira (Genesis 18:1–22:24). We discuss my Torah Talk with Joey Kurtzman last week. Rabbs emails: Here is the dude I spoke about. Here’s his daughter Jessica. Here are my notes for the show with Rabbi … Continue reading

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