Category Archives: Hasidim

An Orthodox View Of Love

Jewish Standard: Both Ms. Brown’s books are written in a child’s voice — a smart, self-aware, limit-testing, often obnoxious little girl, self-centered as happy children often are, secure in her parents’ love and her place in the world. “Hush,” published … Continue reading

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How Do We Suppress This Non-Story?

Forward: Warehouse workers at the massive Hasidic-owned photo and electronics store B&H Photo Video are demanding union representation, while alleging unsafe working conditions and unfair hours at the store’s two Brooklyn warehouses. Organizers filed a petition October 13 with the … Continue reading

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Oy Vey, Y-Love is Gay

From Heeb magazine, May 2012: It’s been a busy month in gay news: Obama and Biden support marriage equality, John Travolta supports happy endings, Bravo’s Andy Cohen is finally looking for a boyfriend, and now (sit down girls), Y-Love, the … Continue reading

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The Hasidic Underclass

JewAmongYou blogs: My daughter works at a medical office in a heavily Hassidic area. Her daily experiences reveal disturbing trends within a community that most Americans associate with solid values. By and large, we Jews are known for our emphasis … Continue reading

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Are Orthodox Jews Gaming The System?

Jay Michaelson writes in 2013: Call them what you will — ultra-Orthodox Jews, “fervently Orthodox” Jews, Haredim, black hats. They will soon become the majority of affiliated Jews in the metropolitan New York area, and the religious majority in Israel. … Continue reading

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