Category Archives: Happiness

Will A Treat Pick You Up?

I often make this happiness mistake and let go of my obligations for a few hours or days because I think I deserve a break. I become even more slovenly than normal. Gretchen Rubin writes: When you’re feeling blue or … Continue reading

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I Want To Find One Good Woman And Make Her Very Happy

From Penelope Trunk is one of the most interesting and provocative writers about career happiness—and happiness in general. (I think it’s almost impossible to untangle these two issues, but Penelope might disagree with me on that.) She wrote a … Continue reading

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Seven Tips For Making New Friends

Orthodox Judaism, yoga and writer gatherings are ways I make new friends. From Ancient philosophers and scientists agree: Strong social ties are the KEY to happiness. You need close, long-term relationships; you need to be able to confide in … Continue reading

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Economist Tom Sowell On Dennis Prager’s Radio Show

Dennis: "I am about to speak about one of the clearest thinkers living. One of the top five…" "Allen Estrin, my producer, said America would be different if every college kid read this book. "The first edition of Applied Economics, … Continue reading

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Happiness Strategies

I just got back from therapy. I was the happiest my therp has seen me. I’m doing yoga and Alexander Technique and acupuncture. I’m making new friends. I’m going out on adventures. I talk to beautiful women every day (and … Continue reading

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