Category Archives: Pico/Robertson

Stealing Parking In Pico-Robertson, CA 90035

Theft of a business’s parking spaces for customers is theft. You are taking money from that business. This type of theft is rampant in Pico-Robertson among a certain group. Luke Ford, Rabbi Rabbs discuss this carelessness with other people’s property.

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Man Shot, Killed In South-Robertson

There are all sorts of bad element, bad gangbangers, thieves and the like hanging out and walking around south of Pico Blvd near Robertson in zip code 90035. These are areas I’ve been checking out to rent a room or … Continue reading

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Is This What Discrimination Looks Like?

A few weeks ago, the rabbi of Bnai David-Judea wrote that he was no longer saying the morning blessing “Thank you God for not making me a woman” because it reflected bigotry towards women and that Orthodox Judaism had a … Continue reading

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Pico-Robertson Gets A New Shul – The LINK Shul

Email: With great and bursting praise to the Almighty, we formally announce the beginning of the New LINK Shul – an offshoot of the LINK Kollel. Where will the shul be located? In our Kollel, 1453 Robertson – corner of … Continue reading

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A Man Commits Suicide At The Corner Of Pickford/Sherbourne

A man committed suicide by a gun shot to his head around 1 p.m. Friday at the corner of Pickford Street and Sherbourne Drive in Pico-Robertson, CA, 90035. I saw a crumpled body wrapped in a white sheet next to … Continue reading

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