Category Archives: Pico/Robertson

Rabbi Saul Berman Comes To Town

I’ve heard mixed reviews about his Sabbath talks. I’m told: Like many speakers he had more time to speak than material. He was a bit ideological Friday night on his point that chumras are a socio-cultural/historical phenomenon of post-Holocaust Judaism. … Continue reading

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Crane Tip Closes Pico Blvd Between La Cienega And Crescent Heights

This happened Saturday afternoon. A source says: "The story w/the crane as I understand is that it was trying to replace a billboard and the crane wasn’t braced right or something and so it tipped. The billboard and crane fell … Continue reading

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Surfing Rabbi: A Kabbalistic Quest for Soul By Nachum Shifren

You don’t have to be religious (most of its contents are secular) to enjoy this book about one of Pico-Robertson’s greatest characters. Rabbi Yonasson Gershom writes on Not since "Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance" have two more … Continue reading

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Dead Body At Robertson/Airdrome 90035

I walk past at 5:15 p.m. There’s an ambulance and fire truck. Airdrome is closed off at Robertson. Yellow crime-scene tape stretches across the road. The body is covered in a white sheet. I pull out my cell phone and … Continue reading

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Beverlywood Had Three Robberies Friday Night

A field deputy for Jack Weiss emails (Rabbi Muskin was held up at gunpoint Friday night): The West Los Angeles area experienced three robberies in the Beverlywood area on Friday night, 10/26/07.    Attached is a Community Alert flyer from … Continue reading

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