Category Archives: Stephen Turner

Philosopher Stephen Turner Is On Facebook

Follow him here. He posts July 7, 2023: …the 4th circuit just struck a blow against academic freedom, citing a famous case which involved a person in the LA prosecutors office telling the truth about a case the prosecutor was … Continue reading

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Decoding Decoding The Gurus, Part Two

Part one. This decoding is a hard job because the podcast Decoding the Gurus (DTG) by academics Matt Browne and Chris Kavanagh is objectively impressive. Matt and Chris, however, seem unaware that they have their own subjective partisan left-wing hero … Continue reading

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A Hazard Called Sociology: Review of Stephen Turner’s Mad Hazard: A Life in Social Theory

Raphael Sassower writes: * Years ago, I traveled on a sabbatical to South America and returned with what I thought was a derivative of my companion book on the trip, Jacques Derrida’s The Post Card (1987), thinking my thoughts and … Continue reading

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Philosopher Stephen Turner Publishes A Memoir: Mad Hazard: A Life in Social Theory

Here are some highlights from this 2022 book: * The bookshelves in my father’s office in the basement of our house in Chicago had a copy of Saul Alinsky’s Reveille for Radicals of 1946, a first edition “second impression,” with … Continue reading

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The Politics Of The Word And The Politics Of The Eye

Stephen Turner wrote in 2003: * Weltanschauung is a term that best fits commonalities of opinion and belief that are the product of words, and particularly printed words, and even more particularly, printed words used in connection with a particular … Continue reading

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