Category Archives: Corona Virus

Conservatism & Liberalism & Covid (6-25-23)

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The Wannabe Dictator In The White House (6-15-23)

01:00 Structure not personality runs the world 02:00 Everybody wants to rule the world 05:00 I’ve got a wanna dictator in my pants 10:45 Tucker Carlson on the wannabe dictator in the White House, 19:00 Andrew Sullivan: Nicholas Wade … Continue reading

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Epistemic Sabotage

People like Dennis Prager, in the words of Decoding The Gurus, "produce ersatz wisdom: a corrupt epistemics that creates the appearance of useful knowledge, but has none of the substance. …the guru is highly motivated to undertake epistemic sabotage; to … Continue reading

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NYMAG: Where Is the Republican Soul-searching for Getting COVID Wrong? Fauci is at least answering some hard questions.

Jonathan Chait writes May 2, 2023: Conservatives got COVID extremely wrong. Where is the accountability? Where is the course correction? The answer is that they don’t exist, because the conservative movement is incapable of engaging in them… Donald Trump threatened … Continue reading

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Why are we united on Ukraine but divided on Covid? (3-13-22)

00:00 Our need for good & evil stories 04:30 It’s the 21st Century, dude! 14:00 Why I quit gaming… #grindreel, 24:40 Michael Beckley on China, Ukraine, Russia, 32:00 The Extended Mind: The Power of Thinking Outside the … Continue reading

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