The Wannabe Dictator In The White House (6-15-23)

01:00 Structure not personality runs the world
02:00 Everybody wants to rule the world
05:00 I’ve got a wanna dictator in my pants
10:45 Tucker Carlson on the wannabe dictator in the White House,
19:00 Andrew Sullivan: Nicholas Wade On The Lab Leak Covid Theory
The fearless science writer is one of the few to take the subject seriously.
20:00 The left’s denial of human nature & the traditional family
23:00 Race vs population clusters
30:00 Ed Dutton: Human Evolution Has Accelerated! Why Are They Hiding This?,
35:40 Ed Dutton: What Are The Evolutionary Reasons for Fellatio / Oral Sex?,
39:45 Nicholas Wade on the Lab Leak Hypothesis
38:00 Where COVID Came From by Nicholas Wade,
50:00 Why would Anthony Fauci and Francis Collins cover-up the origins of Covid?
54:00 Gain of function means souping up a virus

About Luke Ford

I've written five books (see My work has been covered in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and on 60 Minutes. I teach Alexander Technique in Beverly Hills (
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