Category Archives: Alt Lite

Do You Belong To The Trash Right? (5-25-22)

01:00 Joe Biden politicizes Texas school shooting 06:30 Beto O’Rourke politicizes Texas school shooting 21:00 Remove Personal Information in Word on a Document with Track Changes, 23:00 Objective correlative, 25:30 Heather MacDonald on Biden’s executive order on policing … Continue reading

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Richard Spencer Debates Styx On Free Speech, Online Anonymity (5-20-22)

03:00 Styx vs Richard Spencer – Internet Anonymity, 09:00 Richard takes things seriously 28:00 The porn question 35:00 What does it mean to be a Christian? 42:00 The Buffalo shooter had a toothache, 47:30 Riding the World’s … Continue reading

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How Do Republicans Build A Counter-Elite? (5-19-22)

00:00 Tucker Carlson critiques Biden’s embrace of the WHO 04:00 Fact Check: The World Health Organization Will NOT Have Authority To Lock Down All of America, 06:00 COVID-19 Shows Why United Action Is Needed for More Robust International Health … Continue reading

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Midterm Drama (5-17-22)

02:00 Tucker Carlson plays clips from Democrats celebrating replacement migration 28:40 The Buffalo Shooting and Migration Replacement, 18:00 ‘I lied to them for months’: Buffalo shooting suspect kept plans from family, he wrote, 40:00 Gray rocking to repel … Continue reading

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What do we know about the Buffalo shooter Payton Gendron? (5-15-22)

00:00 The shooter released a 4Chan Pol inspired manifesto, 06:00 Charm school for Hasidim 09:00 Colin Liddell joins 14:20 4Chan Pol 16:00 The viral nature of suicide 18:20 White supremacy 23:00 UN on Replacement Migration, 25:30 Time to … Continue reading

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