Category Archives: Alt Right

The Rise Of The Alt-Right

Scott McConnell writes for The American Conservative: Twenty-one years ago I was assigned by Commentary to write about Jared Taylor—today known as one of the eminences of the “alt-right.” Taylor had written a grim book on American race relations, Paved … Continue reading

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The Reflections Of Alt-Right Jew Joshua Seidel

From Joshua’s website As my piece went live, new Twitter accounts begun for this purpose began reaching out. “I’m a Jew, and I’ve always felt this way but I’m afraid to say it” was one common refrain. This was … Continue reading

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MEET THE DAPPER WHITE NATIONALIST WHO WINS EVEN IF TRUMP LOSES – Alt-right founder Richard Spencer aims to make racism cool again

Great article in Mother Jones (even though the author and the publication hate Richard Spencer’s views, they extend him a normal amount of empathy and do such thorough reporting that no matter your views, you are going to be interested … Continue reading

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The Alt-Right Is Racist, Xenophobic & Anti-Semitic

Greg Johnson, founder of, says in this recent Swedish podcast: “The Alternative Right was started by certain white nationalist donors and organizers as an entryist vehicle into the mainstream conservative world for the purpose of interacting with it, deconstructing … Continue reading

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The Campaign to Toxify Donald Trump Among Jews

Joel Pollak wrote March 4, 2016: Say what you will about Donald Trump, but he is not an antisemite. Yet there is a malicious campaign afoot to paint him as one. Tablet Magazine, for example, has launched a “Trump Watch” … Continue reading

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