Category Archives: Alt Right

Good Goyim and Bad Jews: Getting Clear on Jews and the Alt Right

Ari Ben Canaan writes: Jamie Kirchick’s recent attack against this website, my collaborators and our audience is, unfortunately, a typical example of the attitudes of many Jews toward the Alt Right: underinformed, confused, and at times hysterical. It is also, … Continue reading

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AltRabbi: ‘White goyim have made things pretty comfortable here for us Torah True Jews. It’s long overdue that we stand up for them.’

During 2016, there were a growing number of online resources for Alt Right Jews, including: Twitter Accounts: * AltRabbi * Anathematic * Luke Ford * Steve Notovitz * Elvis Nixon * Crud Bonemeal * Yair Stern * The Rebbe * … Continue reading

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‘Meet the Moscow Mouthpiece Married to a Racist Alt-Right Boss’

Comment: “I noticed they managed to shoe-horn in a photo of Richard Spencer Sieg Heiling. Except that he wasn’t; he was waving at jeering protesters in the back of the room. Not that I expected The Daily Beast to be … Continue reading

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Rogue One & The Alt Right

Comment: Saw “Rogue One” tonight. Capsule summary — second half was great; first half, not so much. What I really thought was hilarious was the way a movie so obviously constructed by SJWs (the cast is painfully “diverse”) accidentally pushes … Continue reading

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Forward: Anti-Semitic ‘Alt-Right’ and Misogynist Pick-Up Artists Join Forces

Forward: On Jezebel, classics scholar Donna Zuckerberg (who happens to be Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s sister) raises an important question: “[W]hy have so many white, male leaders of communities and websites that used to focus on sex and gender shifted … Continue reading

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