Category Archives: Alt Right

George Hawley: Is the Alt-Right Collapsing?

Thursday, March 15 | 4:00 – 5:30pm In 2015 and 2016, the so-called Alt-Right – the latest iteration of the American white nationalist movement – experienced exponential growth. In 2017, it made headlines across the globe. Some feared it represented … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Vs The Alt Lite

Comments at Reddit: * I’ve been listening to Luke Ford’s alt right tonight discussions and some arguments made by Spencer and Taylor but I’m still stuck on a few issues. How does the alt right deal with what appears to … Continue reading

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Debating The JQ With Tanstaafl (Age Of Treason Blogger)

Listen to the discussion I had March 27, 2018 with Age of Treason aka Tanstaafl. That awkward moment, when the Age of Treason pointed out that none of the real jews were following @lukeford Ouch.. As Mozza said, "You just … Continue reading

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Will Jared Taylor Respond To The Nathan Cofnas Critique?

Jared Taylor has always included Jews in his American Renaissance mission. He’s unique among Alt Right intellectuals for his lack of antipathy to Jews. So far, however, he has not responded to the Cofnas critique of Culture of Critique. Jared … Continue reading

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How The Alt Right Can Win The Cofnas Debate

Nathan Cofnas replies: “There are two ways that the alt-right could turn my paper into a win. (1) Show the paper is wrong (which obviously hasn’t happened). (2) Show that they can admit a mistake and that they can change … Continue reading

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