Category Archives: Alt Right

Color Lines: Is the ‘Alt-Right’ on Its Last Leg?

Spencer Sunshine writes: Influence is difficult to quantify. But it seems to me—someone who has been tracking White nationalism for more than a decade—that the alt-right has declined after Charlottesville. With the arrests, job and education losses and mainstream ostracism … Continue reading

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What Would The Alt Right Look Like If It Were Run On Spiritual Principles?

What would the Alt Right look like if it was primarily a spiritual movement run on the 12 Steps and 12 Traditions? It couldn’t be in worse shape than it is now. When my computer isn’t working right, I shut … Continue reading

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Kyle Bristow Talks Tough, Then Reverses Course

From Splinternews: (Bristow, it seems, could dish it out—but could not take it. “Seems strange to me that you’d think I’d need to utilize the services of the Lügenpresse in order to educate the public about something,” he wrote in … Continue reading

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‘Less Than a Year After Charlottesville, the Alt-Right Is Self-Destructing’

Daily Beast: Earlier in March—after Bristow quit the movement, but before Spencer canceled his college tour—Heimbach and the TWP acted as a security force for Spencer outside a speech to a handful of people at Michigan State University. They scrapped … Continue reading

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JF Gariepy On The History Of Internet Blood Sports

MP3 Youtube comments: * Luke, Huge fan! Just saw your interview of JF Gariepy. I was blown away by that first broadcast he did with Andy Warsky (with Richard Spencer, Sargon, et al.). But I, too, noticed a drop in … Continue reading

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