Category Archives: Alt Right

Who Is Ricky Vaughn?

Luke O’Brien writes: There was no mistaking Ricky Vaughn’s influence. He had tens of thousands of followers, and his talent for blending far-right propaganda with conservative messages on Twitter made him a key disseminator of extremist views to Republican voters … Continue reading

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Exposed: This racist alt-right leader used to be a pro-LGBT beauty blogger

From One of the most anti-Semitic, racist members of the alt-right used to be a beauty blogger who made make-up tutorials, babe can reveal. Bre Faucheux – a pseudonym – is a rising star of the alt-right who regularly … Continue reading

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Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right?

Jews & the Alt Right (4-4-18) Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right? (5-3-18) Jewstreaming: Jews & The Right (6-18-18) Jews & The Alt Right: Luke Ford Talks To Joshua Seidel (12-27-16) The Jewish Question essay posted by Ryan Faulk … Continue reading

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WSJ: The Theory Behind That Charlottesville Slogan ‘The Jews will not replace us,’ they chanted. What do they mean, ‘replace us’?

Oxford PhD student Nathan Cofnas responds to my inquiry: “Miller might be right–he probably is right–but this article standing alone is not very convincing. These half-baked refutations of MacDonald aren’t really helpful.” Abraham Miller (retired political science professor) writes in … Continue reading

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Paul Nehlen Doxxed Ricky Vaughn (Douglass Mackey) Yesterday

From 4Chan’s Pol: * Paul Nehlen has gone from challenging Paul Ryan for a seat in congress to being a Gab-tier white nationalist mud slinger engaged in the doxing of his political opponents. TRS realizing they created an idiot by … Continue reading

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