Category Archives: Alt Right

I May Not Get There With You (4-14-18)

Please join me in the prayer for an open mind. God, please set aside everything I think I know about you, the Bible, the Alt Right, race, religion, myself, my brokenness for an open mind and a new experience of … Continue reading

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Dealing With Rage & Resentment

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Lack Of Power

Comments: * Hey Luke, I’m a fellow outside-looking-in spectator of the alt-right. I really dig your live streams and the group of regulars you have on there. It’s cool to hear people discuss these topics that I’m (perhaps morbidly) fascinated … Continue reading

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Christopher Cantwell Interviews Hunter Wallace

Christopher Cantwell debates Coach Red Pill. Listen to the podcast. Hunter Wallace wrote last month: This is a send off post. I’m tired of this subject consuming my time and distracting me. Whether it is the lack of a sturdy … Continue reading

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The Alt Right Tonight – Moshiach Seder 4-7-18

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