Category Archives: Alt Right

Fatherhood: A Panel Discussion (5-3-18)

Comments: * The Daily Shoah has definitely suffered in quality due to their legal troubles. It seems like they spend a lot more time bitching at each other, getting on each other’s nerves. Especially Sven and Mike. They aren’t getting … Continue reading

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Do Jews Belong In The Alt Right?

Comments: * The “Alt-Right” is more of a philosophy and an ideology than it is an exclusive membership club. If Jews want to be Alt-Right can anyone prevent them? Can anyone prevent Christians from being Zionists? * explicitly jewish organizations … Continue reading

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Nathan Cofnas: Kevin MacDonald won’t accept evidence supporting alternative theories about Jewish influence

Here are some of Nathan’s latest tweets: * Since I think MacDonald’s theory is wrong, obviously I think it has a “non-educative effect” on people who buy into it. * Setting out to understand Jewish behavior without being committed to … Continue reading

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I Snuck Into Newsweek

Looks like @lukeford snuck into Newsweek. Those fifteen minutes just keep on coming! — The Jewish Revolution (@TheJewishRevol1) May 1, 2018 Newsweek story. MP3

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The Best Of Nathan Cofnas

Here’s a selection of his recent tweets: Attention alt-righters/@RichardBSpencer: Your most important intellectual, Kevin MacDonald, says that you should welcome Jews into your movement. Indeed, it would be "nonsense" not to. — Nathan Cofnas (@nathancofnas) April 29, 2018 * … Continue reading

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