Category Archives: Alt Right

Emily Fired, Lauren Leaves, Call-Ins | TPS #68

Seven months ago, J.F. Gariepy did not express publicly strong opinions on the JQ. Then he noticed that almost all of his main critics were Jewish and perhaps he saw a wider Jewish tendency that was ruinous for white cohesion. … Continue reading

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Parasha Pinchas (Num. 25-30)

Listen here and here. Wikipedia: “Pinchas…is the 41st weekly Torah portion (פָּרָשָׁה‬, parashah) in the annual Jewish cycle of Torah reading and the eighth in the Book of Numbers. It tells of Pinchas’ killing of a couple, ending a plague, … Continue reading

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The Right Tonight With Kevin Michael Grace

* Los Angeles Times: “Before his death, 10-year-old Anthony Avalos came out as gay, official says. Authorities are investigating whether homophobia played a role in his death.” MP3 MP3. * The latest on Milo. * Supreme Court upholds Trump’s travel … Continue reading

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Trump attacks ‘filthy’ Red Hen restaurant for turning away Sarah Huckabee Sanders

From The Independent: Donald Trump has described a Virginia restaurant that refused to serve White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders as “filthy”. The president hit out at the Red Hen restaurant in Lexington on Twitter, after it turned Ms … Continue reading

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Parasha Balak (6-24-18)

Listen. From Chabad: Balak, the king of Moab, summons the prophet Balaam to curse the people of Israel. On the way, Balaam is berated by his donkey, who sees, before Balaam does, the angel that G‑d sends to block their … Continue reading

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